The Methodist Church
Lincolnshire District
Mid-Lincolnshire Circuit
Welcome to Bardney Methodist Church
Our services are shared with the congregation of St Lawrence parish church at 10:00 a.m.
The services are in the Chapel on the second and fourth Sundays and at the St Lawrence on the first and third Sundays.
On a fifth Sunday, a joint service takes place in the parish as announced.

Filling station meets at St Lawrence's Church at 7.00 for 7.30 pm every third Thursday. Come along for lively worship, prayer and a thought-provoking message.
Currently Suspended

Messy Church is currently not meeting please look out for further news.
God is good: all the time:
All the time: God is good.-

A Methodist Society was formed in Bardney as early as 1788, forty-four years after John Wesley's first conference. It is stated in the 1856 edition of White's Directory of Lincolnshire that the original chapel was built in Bardney in 1837 though this, almost certainly, was to replace an earlier meeting house probably described in a certificate of 1809 as 'the premises of John Smith'.
Bardney Methodist Church
Church Lane
The chapel is situated on the bend in Church Lane, fifty yards up from the parish church. There is a car park in front of the Methodist Hall.
Welcome to Bardney - Richard Croft, CC BY-SA 2.0 <https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0>, via Wikimedia Commons