The Methodist Church
Lincolnshire District
Mid-Lincolnshire Circuit
Our circuit prayer
Almighty God, you have made us members of your family, the Church.
Open our eyes to see truth clearly.
Open our hearts to love Jesus dearly.
Open the doors of our church through the ministry of love and care.
May all of us seek to grow towards you in worship and adoration,
To one another in understanding and fellowship,
And outwards to the world in love and compassion,
Through Jesus our Lord.

Our Circuit Mission Statement
We are people of God who by the grace of our Father:-
Aim:- To be effective Christian disciples
1. To be Christian examples in our community through effective service to others.
2. To talk to others about our faith
3. To invite people to join us in chapel
4. To provide challenging and meaningful worship
5. To encourage discipleship through fellowship, prayer and Bible study
Churches Together in All Lincolnshire
The Methodist Church
Daily prayers
East Lincolnshire Circuit
District website
Pray as you go, daily prayer podcast in the Ignatian style